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Mouths and printers needed

One of the things that has become abundantly obvious to us while we continue to face COVID-related challenges, is that we keep running into new hurdles. Hurdles that make it hard to do what we need to do, and staffing for our summer has become one of those challenges.

So, what’s the problem? Typically, we make quite a few specific college visits with the expressed purpose of recruiting our summer staff. Word of mouth from past summer staff is still our most successful route of staffing, but those college campus visits are a close second. Guess what? Most campuses are not allowing this kind of visit this year, and it makes a lot of sense. But where does this leave us? – A little behind as we look forward to the summer. You know we don’t like our posts to be doom and gloom, so get ready, here’s the bright side: YOU can help us out. Yes, you – the one who cares enough about this ministry to be reading this little post. If you are willing, would you consider doing any/all of the following to help us get the word out:

  1. Would you like and share our social media posts? Tag people, send them the links to apply directly, or simply call them and tell them about the opportunity.

  2. If you have access to any kind of public bulletin board, would you consider printing out the flyer below* and hanging it up so that some seeds may be planted in the larger community you are a part of? (Think Church bulletin boards, campus stairwells, coffee shops, libraries, etc.)

  3. Participate in “International Wear Your Summer Camp T-shirt Day(which is an incredibly long “holiday” name, but we like the goal!) – which happens to be TODAY! If anyone happens to comment on your shirt, just mention, “You know, they are looking to hire some awesome college-aged leaders for this summer. Do you know any?” And see where the conversation goes.

We cannot wait to meet the leaders of Summer 2021, so help us spread the word!

*Click on the graphic below to pull up a letter-sized printable flyer to post!

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