Even though the summer solstice hasn’t even happened yet, we want to share a little about what Summer 2020 wound up looking like for Waukaway. So, as a fun little exercise, I present: Summer 2020 By the Numbers*:
5 weeks of summer staff training and work
6 returning summer staffers (Optimus Prime, GQ, Opus, Woods, Jiggy, and Nightingale)
6 new summer staffers (Golden, Hands, Kalokairi, P.I., Sydesi, and Silent Warrior)
5 year-round staffers still kicking it (Kodak, Kaleidoscope, Ghillie, Chameleon, and Prism)
14 certified lifeguards
325+ Laps swam in the waterfront
2 Walkie talkies dropped in the waterfront
28 staff-led devotions
4 “Waukaway Church” services (summer staff-led worship and streamed teaching)
15+ Hours of lake cleaning
20+ Hours of “stick relocation”
1 giant burn pile bonfire
25+ Rounds of Uno played
8 Waukaway staffers who got on the Pokemon Go bandwagon (again)
5 “real life” educational sessions (including credit scores, relationships, vehicle maintenance, etc.)
27 cabins cleaned and re-cleaned
1 surprise birthday party
60+ deserts
65+ prayers offered
4 MIA SD cards
1 hammock left behind
17 hearts very full and bodies very tired
It was SO good to have our summer staff here. The Waukaway family grew and hearts were strengthened and changed. This summer wasn’t all we planned for, but it was still very, very good. As Romans 8:28 says:
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
This summer was indeed good.
Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us during this time. We felt your love and support and continue to as we transition again.
*Yes, I’m totally estimating, I mean - I’m a perfectionist, it’s true, but I didn’t actually keep a tally of some of these items, but they are a fair estimate.