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Summer 2021 Reflections

If you subscribed to our Summer 2021 Prayer Team updates, you know we have much to praise God for, so we are WELL overdue for a post celebrating and sharing those praises and reflections with everyone.

  1. We were able to host over 2,000 guests here this summer! If you remember, we were not able to host ANY guests during the summer of 2020. This number is such a testament to God’s amazing grace—allowing us to serve so many—right on the heels of such a devastating previous summer.

  2. We were witness to at least 40 new commitments to Christ and many, many who were discipled during their time here. This is our mission: to further the Kingdom of God by equipping, empowering, and evangelizing generations. Praise God for the ways He allowed us to participate and make space for that very thing once again this summer.

  3. We also had a unique staffing situation here this summer. In general, I kind of feel some sort of irritation every time I hear the words “short-staffed.” Empirically and practically, we were “short-staffed”… but I cringe because at the very same time, our “small” staff had grit. They got the job done, and did it well. We had many servant-minded leaders who filled in wherever it was needed: and I do mean wherever! We had our director covering cook’s shifts, our marketing matron and maintenance technician lifeguarded, our program director and waterfront director fixed many maintenance issues, and our summer staff cranked out the fastest turnovers imaginable. Maybe I’m biased, but I think they were one of the hardest working groups we ever had. I am proud to be a small part of this group. They honored God with their service.

  4. At the tail end of the summer, we also had a few year-round staffing changes. During this time, we did kind of feel like we kept getting our tails kicked… but here we are, alive and (almost) caught up! We bless those who’ve left as they pursue their next chapters, but in Godly expectation, we joyfully celebrate the addition of Jiggy to our year-round team and anticipate the others who will join our small, but scrappy, staff. Please pray that God will bring exactly the right service-minded people here that He wants to use to bless our guests with retreat experiences free from distractions.

  5. Lastly, we just want to invite you to join us as we grow and transition. We are refining our booking and hosting practices, our donor communications, and already recruiting next summer’s amazing crew. YOU can be a part by:

    • Praying for God’s will to be done here (in staffing, finances, programs, and in the lives of our guests)

    • Becoming a regular donor. This is a very tangible way to support God’s ministry here and provide in a much-needed way.

    • Apply to work here, or encourage a great candidate to apply.

    • Book your next retreat. Contact us today and let us partner with you and customize your next retreat for God’s glory.

We believe that God is moving and preparing the way for more to know His love. We want to be a part of that hope, and we pray you will join us.


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