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Volunteers Wanted!

Maybe you’ve been wondering how you can get more involved with the ministry here, well, this is one easy way: come serve with us as we tackle special projects together! We are so excited to announce our Fall, Winter, and Spring Volunteer Work Days. Mark your calendars and invite a crew to come serve with us!

What do Volunteer Work Days look like?

Come hungry for a hearty camp breakfast served in the dining hall at 8:00am. Following breakfast, we will begin the work day with a short devotion and prayer. Then we will head out to work in groups on the various projects for the season. We will spend from approximately 9 to noon on projects and meet back at the dining hall for lunch. We will spend the afternoon wrapping up our work projects and will finish by 4:00pm.

Can I spend the night?

If you/your crew are traveling and would like to spend the night before at the camp, just let us know. We have lodging available on a first-come, first-served basis. We know an 8am start time might be difficult if you have a few hours to drive, so don’t let that be a reason not to join us.

What if I’m not very strong/physically active?

We would LOVE to have you! There are jobs for every physicality, just let us know if you have any limitations so we can get you involved in the right projects.

Are kids welcome?

Yes! Families are ALWAYS welcome and we love seeing kids involved in serving. Again, just let us know if you may have any limitations or special needs so we can plan appropriately.

How can I still contribute if I can’t be there on those days?

Our Volunteer Work Days are free to attend, but it does require some financial support. If you can’t come, but would like to donate to help the camp with the finances required for meals, supplies, and equipment for that day, please know that your gift would be deeply appreciated. You can mail or drop off a check, or give online here. Simply make a note that you would like your donation to be used for the “Volunteer Work Days” and we will use your gifts to fund these efforts.

Other questions? Call or email and let’s come together to serve shoulder-to-shoulder for God’s Glory here!


Mark your calendars for our Winter and Spring Volunteer Days as well!

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